Mette Pederson's modulars behind the dolls
Wendy Lowe's fabric modular wall piece
...and a detail of the same
Wendy Lowe's pillows
and a closer view of a pillow
Mette's modulars from a different angle
Close up of one of Mette's pieces
Another close up
Looks like a very large Sonobe module to me
From the same table as previous picture
Jeannine Mosely's famous sponge
A modular sphere within a modular sphere
Pictures from some mind boggling exhibit, I think in
More pictures to boggle the mind
And some more. If I would have had more time I would have
spent some time looking at these pictures more carefully,
but instead I at least took pictures of them!
Kasahara's boxes
Some rings
Another Wendy Lowe's piece
Slightly different view
Another close up of one of Mette's modulars
And more of Mette's
Kasahara's boxes